ТОВ НВП "Техвестсервіс"

Грузовые авиаперевозки

Это новое направление деятельности нашей компании.

В настоящее время авиаперевозки – самое перспективное направление международной доставки грузов. Несомненные преимущества – оперативность и надежность.

Используя авиатранспорт, вы существенно увеличите скорость доставки груза к получателю. К тому же, международные грузовые авиаперевозки позволяют транспортировать товар практически любых габаритов.

Read more: Грузовые авиаперевозки

Radio Navigation

The company carries out the installation and integration of the following navigation systems: 

  • Instrumental landing system (ILS) 
  • Azimuth beacon (VOR) 
  • Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) 
  • Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) 
  • Direction finder 
  • Marker beacon (MM, OM) 
  • Remote control Systems (RCMS)


Read more: Radio Navigation

The air and ground telecommunications

  • VHF radio communication equipment
  • Digital control voice communications. The communications subsystem "ground - air - ground" is intended for communication with airline crews through the radio. Subsystem telephone landline is designed for communication, both internal and external telephone, long-distance communication in the modern protocol MFC-R2. The structure of the telephone system is designed depending on specific customer requirements and the availability of relevant communication channels


Read more: The air and ground telecommunications

АТC Systems

  • Project management and system integration in the modernization of Air Traffic Control centers
  • Equipment and technical support for air traffic control centers 
  • Universal consoles for specialists in air traffic control, designed to organize working places ATC specialists and other stuff of flight supporting by placing on the consoles wireless and wired communications systems equipment and of air situation display, as well as other equipment for problem solving for operate of ATC used by staff



08138, 8, Tolstogo Street,
v. Sofiivska Borshchagivka,
Kyivska Oblast, Ukraine
Phone: +380 44 594-99-77
Fax: +380 44 594-99-78
